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Searching for SrTiO3 ground state structure

\(\mathrm{SrTiO_3}\) has a cubic perovskite structure at room temperature with space group \(Pm\bar{3}m\).

Search with GULP

In this example we search for its ground state using buckingham potential with long range coulomb interaction with GULP.

The Buckingham potential has the form:

\[ \Phi_{12} = A \exp(-Br) - \frac{C}{r^6} + \frac{q_1 q_2}{4\pi\epsilon_0r} \]

A template seed can be generated with:

gencell 60 1 Sr 1 Ti 1 O 3

The gencell command is a very useful for providing a template seed file for buildcell. Using the command above, the generated cell has a target volume of 60 \(\unicode{x212B}^3\) containing one Sr atom, one Ti atom and three O atoms. The content of this file is shown below.

3.914865 0 0
0 3.914865 0
0 0 3.914865


Sr 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Sr1 % NUM=1
Ti 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Ti1 % NUM=1
O 0.0 0.0 0.0 # O1 % NUM=1
O 0.0 0.0 0.0 # O2 % NUM=1
O 0.0 0.0 0.0 # O3 % NUM=1






0 0 0
0 0

An param is also generated for default CASTEP inputs.


A param file CASTEP calculation is generated as well.

    task                 : geometryoptimization
xc_functional        : PBE
spin_polarized       : false
fix_occupancy        : false
metals_method        : dm
mixing_scheme        : pulay
max_scf_cycles       : 1000
cut_off_energy       : 340 eV
opt_strategy         : speed
page_wvfns           : 0
num_dump_cycles      : 0
backup_interval      : 0
geom_method          : LBFGS
geom_max_iter        : 20
mix_history_length   : 20
finite_basis_corr    : 0
fixed_npw            : true
write_cell_structure : true
write_checkpoint     : none
write_bib            : false
write_otfg           : false
write_cst_esp        : false
write_bands          : false
write_geom           : false
bs_write_eigenvalues : false
calculate_stress     : true

The potential in put for GULP is:

SrTiO3.lib for GULP

This file SrTiO3.lib is needed for providing the parameters of the interatomic potentials.

Sr 2.00
Ti 4.00
O -2.00
lennard 12 6
Sr Sr 1.0 0.0 0. 6.0
Sr Ti 1.0 0.0 0. 6.0
Sr O  2.0 0.0 0. 6.0
Ti Ti 1.0 0.0 0. 6.0
Ti O  2.0 0.0 0. 6.0
O  O  2.0 0.0 0. 6.0
Sr Sr 9949.1  0.2446 0.0 0. 8.0
Sr Ti 12708.1 0.2191 0.0 0. 8.0
Sr O  1805.2  0.3250 0.0 0. 8.0
Ti Ti 16963.1 0.1847 0.0 0. 8.0
Ti O  845.0   0.3770 0.0 0. 8.0
O  O  22746.3 0.1490 0.0 0. 8.0

While this SrTiO3.cell can be used straight away for searching already, prior knowledge can be used to accelerate the search. The number of formulas can be altered by setting NFORM=2-6 to search for 2-6 formula units, since it is expected thtat the ground state structure would take more than one formula units. In addition, the specie-wise minimum separations can be set using the knowledge of known ion sizes and bond lengths - the Ti-O bond is known to be at least 1.8 \(\unicode{x212B}\) long:


This sets the species-wise minimum separation to be chosen randomly between 1.8 \(\unicode{x212B}\) to 3.0 \(\unicode{x212B}\).


One can invoke more knowledge of the system - cation-cation or anion-anion distances are larger than cation-anion distances. Incorporating this in the structure generation process would further improve the efficiency.

We can now deploy our search with:

disp deploy search --project example/sto/gulp --seed SrTiO3 --code gulp --num 200

To run locally

export DISP_DB_FILE=$(pwd)/disp_db.yaml
rlaunch rapidfire
disp db retrieve-project --project example/sto/gulp

Example output:

cat *.res | cryan -u 0.1 -r -t
SrTiO3-2*57-e185f4       0.00    61.004    -149.364    3 TiSrO3       Pm-3m          6
SrTiO3-2*37-9915e8       0.00   103.123       0.369    4 TiSrO3       Cmme           1
SrTiO3-2*02-d20277       0.00    85.448       0.399    2 TiSrO3       P21/m          4
SrTiO3-2*57-544bb1       0.00   102.862       0.422    4 TiSrO3       C2/c           1
SrTiO3-2*39-1dddc1       0.00   106.323       0.609    4 TiSrO3       P1             1
SrTiO3-2*05-354449       0.00    84.269       0.621    3 TiSrO3       P2             1
SrTiO3-2*25-1b6445       0.00    68.232       0.710    2 TiSrO3       R-3            3
SrTiO3-2*33-2f8d70       0.00   116.637       0.716    3 TiSrO3       P3212          1
SrTiO3-2*28-308697       0.00   100.410       0.718    4 TiSrO3       P1             1
SrTiO3-2*03-47308a       0.00   101.734       0.726    4 TiSrO3       P1             1

The above commend tries to unite similar structures before ranking them. The numbers of united structures are printed in the last column. It can be seen that ground state structure (\(Pm\bar{3}m\)) has been encountered six times, giving an encounter rate of 3%.


As with all global search methods, there is no guarantee that the ground state is found. Given a \(3\%\) encounter rate, the odds of finding the ground state out of 200 trials is:

\[1 - (0.97)^{200} = 99.7 \% \]

Still, one can not rule our that there exists a true ground state with lower encounter rate. For example, if the encounter rate is 0.1%, the odds of finding it in 200 trials is only \(18.1\%\).

Search with CASTEP

Now we use CASTEP to perform the search using the same seed.

disp deploy search --seed SrTiO3  --project example/sto/dft --num 200 --priority 200 --category 24-core

This deploys the search tasks with a higher priority. The actual calculations should be run on a decent-sized computing cluster. Here the --category tag set ensures that the job to be picked up by workers whose category is set to 24-core.

The command disp db summary --project example/sto/dft can be used to monitor the status of the search. Once all 200 structures have been completed, retrieve the SHELX files and rank them with ca -r -t as before:

SrTiO3-2*16-fbabe1       0.01    60.788   -3798.971    2 TiSrO3       P4mm           1
SrTiO3-2*13-400370      -0.05    61.009       0.008    2 TiSrO3       R3m            1
SrTiO3-2*39-f3dc32      -0.04    61.073       0.011    3 TiSrO3       R3m            1
SrTiO3-2*49-8bd3e2      -0.03    61.094       0.011    3 TiSrO3       R3m            1
SrTiO3-2*52-9949ce       0.02    83.182       0.092    2 TiSrO3       P21/m          1
SrTiO3-2*30-e8bee6      -0.00    80.260       0.425    4 TiSrO3       Ima2           1
SrTiO3-2*38-7d3a16       0.03    76.714       0.445    4 TiSrO3       C2/c           1
SrTiO3-2*18-ac0857       0.03    72.950       0.466    6 TiSrO3       P32            1
SrTiO3-2*29-c45552      -0.01    74.188       0.498    2 TiSrO3       C2/m           1
SrTiO3-2*07-085d5a      -0.00    95.629       0.576    6 TiSrO3       P-6            1

At the first glance, there is a no structure with space group \(Pm\bar{3}m\). This is not surprise since the \(Pm\bar{3}m\) phase is not actually the low temperature ground state. The true ground state has a distorted octahedral network with space group \(I4/mcm\). While we did not found this exact phase, the top four structures are in fact also perovskites but has different distortion patterns.

Note that we have sampled only 200 structures, with the only prior knowledge of estimate range of atom-atom minimum distances and volume per atom. While continuing the search may allow the true ground state to be found, one can already establish at this point that the ground state of \(\mathrm{SrTiO_3}\) is a probably a perovskite.


Perovskites are known to have many distorted phases with octahedral. The P4mm phase obtained is non-central symmetric and has been reported in the literature as well[^1]. Using the cubic phases as the high symmetry starting structure, one can also determine the ground state by mode mapping[^2].

High precision calculation

Since the DFT search is carried out with setting prioritising speed rather than accuracy, typically one would need to re-relax the obtained structure with more converged parameters and more transferable pseudopotentials.

First, create the SrTiO3-refine.cell and SrTiO3-refine.param with revised parameters:


3.914865 0 0
0 3.914865 0
0 0 3.914865


Sr 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Sr1 % NUM=1
Ti 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Ti1 % NUM=1
O 0.0 0.0 0.0 # O1 % NUM=1
O 0.0 0.0 0.0 # O2 % NUM=1
O 0.0 0.0 0.0 # O3 % NUM=1




0 0 0
0 0

Where the SPECIES_POT is changed from QC5 to C19. The latter is a library with more accurate pseudopotentials (delta = 0.4 meV). In addition, the spaces of generated kpoints is requested to be at most \(0.05 2\pi \unicode{x212B}^{-1}\) for improved sampling of the reciprocal space.


task                 : geometryoptimization
xc_functional        : PBE
spin_polarized       : false
fix_occupancy        : false
metals_method        : dm
mixing_scheme        : pulay
max_scf_cycles       : 1000
cut_off_energy       : 700 eV
opt_strategy         : speed
page_wvfns           : 0
num_dump_cycles      : 0
backup_interval      : 0
geom_method          : LBFGS
geom_max_iter        : 100
mix_history_length   : 20
finite_basis_corr    : auto
fixed_npw            : false
write_cell_structure : true
write_checkpoint     : none
write_bib            : false
write_otfg           : false
write_cst_esp        : false
write_bands          : false
write_geom           : false
bs_write_eigenvalues : false
calculate_stress     : true

In the param file, the plane-wave cut off energy is raised to 700 eV.

Constant basis quality relaxation

In this example, the fixed_npw is turned off so the variable cell relaxation will be performed under constant cut-off energy (quality) mode, and finite_basis_corr is turned on to allow the Pulay stress to be correct automatically. Otherwise, the basis set would change with unit cell, hence the effective cut off energy can be different from that initially supplied. This means that the final energy is always consistent with the geometry, and there is no need to perform an additional singlepoint calculation as in constant-basis mode, e.g. fixed_npw : true.

Create a folder with the top structures:

mkdir refine
cp $(ca -r -t -l |  awk '{print $1".res"}') refine/

And deploy the relaxations with:

disp deploy relax --seed SrTiO3-refine --base-cell SrTiO3-refine.cell \
--cell "refine/SrTiO3-*.res" --param SrTiO3-refine.param --project example/sto/dft-refine \
--priority 100 --category 24-core --cycles 0

Note that setting cycles to 0 bypass the automatic restart routine in castep_relax which is not needed with constant basis quality mode.


Final results, one may also want to have:

grid_scale : 2
fine_grid_scale : 3
in order to use denser FFT grids.

The high precision calculations result in a slightly different ranking of energy amount the \(R3m\) and the \(P4mm\) phases. The three \(R3m\) phases are now having the same energy - they are in fact identical structures.

$ ca -r

SrTiO3-2*39-f3dc32       0.09    61.446   -3798.370    3 TiSrO3       R3m            1
SrTiO3-2*13-400370      -0.02    61.654       0.000    2 TiSrO3       R3m            1
SrTiO3-2*49-8bd3e2       0.05    61.545       0.000    3 TiSrO3       R3m            1
SrTiO3-2*16-fbabe1       0.01    61.490       0.001    2 TiSrO3       P4mm           1
SrTiO3-2*52-9949ce      -0.00    84.050       0.068    2 TiSrO3       P21/m          1
SrTiO3-2*30-e8bee6      -0.04    81.673       0.396    4 TiSrO3       Ima2           1
SrTiO3-2*38-7d3a16      -0.03    77.630       0.425    4 TiSrO3       C2/c           1
SrTiO3-2*18-ac0857       0.06    74.560       0.433    6 TiSrO3       P32            1
SrTiO3-2*29-c45552       0.03    75.529       0.471    2 TiSrO3       C2/m           1
SrTiO3-2*07-085d5a       0.05    97.381       0.551    6 TiSrO3       P-6            1

Total resources usages

The total time that each structure used is recorded in the SHELX file. In this example, a total of about 7000 core hours have been used.

$ tar -axf sto-res-dft.tar.gz -O | grep  Total | awk 'BEGIN{x=0}{x+=$4}END{print x /3600 * 24}'

A total of about 7000 core hours has been consumed. There are 24 cores per node, so this is equivalent to roughly 12 node days, or having 12 such nodes working for a single day.

Savings can be made by running the searches with only 4 cores per worker, and six of such workers can be placed on a node with 24 cores.

$ tar -axf sto-res-dft-4c.tar.gz -O | grep  Total | awk 'BEGIN{x=0}{x+=$4}END{print x /3600 * 4 / 189 * 200}'

In this case, the estimated time for getting 200 relaxed structure is about 4000 core hours - a 43 % save in the computational resources by replacing 24-way MPI (24 cores) with 4-way MPI (cores) for performing relaxation! Even with a 10 % uncertainty due to the limited size and stochastic nature of the search, this is still a significant save to make.

Nevertheless, running with more workers each using fewer cores means that each relaxation would take longer time to complete, giving a reduced turn around rate. This may result in increased time-to-solution for small-scale searching more difficult relaxation can take much longer to finish. For a search involving thousands of trials, the optimum strategy is to use low core counts first, and finish off the search with workers with increased cores counts.